Monthly News Newsletter
Stay up to date with the happenings of Murrells Inlet Presbyterian Church by visiting our Monthly News Newsletter here!
Things that are going on with each individual committee. Choose to read all of them!
Please email the church at: or visit often the website for updates and NEW happenings!
Church Communications
by: Pat Malloy
Hello all! I am sure many of us are looking forward to SPRING! May God be with you and bless you! Just want to bring you up to date on a couple of things:
1. Thank you for signing up for flowers to beautify our sanctuary each Sunday. The sign-up sheet is both in the Narthex and the Coffee Chat time for your convenience. Sign up in advance so that you don't miss out on special occasions.
2. The card for "connecting with members" or "thinking of you" is also in the Narthex a more
Presbyterian Women's Mission Notes
by: Peggy Denby
The purpose of the Presbyterian Women's ministry is to: STRENGTHEN THE CHURCH-Support the church's mission, witness to God's Kingdom and strengthen the Presbyterian Church (USA). BUILD COMMUNITY-Create an inclusive and caring community of women. WORK FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE-Advocate for justice and peace. NURTURE FAITH-Develop faith through prayer and Bible Study. The Presbyterian Women's organization with the Presbyterian Church (USA) has over 200,000 members. Members part more
Fellowship and Christian Education Committee Notes
by: Shirley Messervy
If anyone would like to be on this planning committee and the Christian Education, please come to the meetings every 3rd Tuesday of each month at 11 am in the Conference room. Also looking for Sunday School teachers for the Youth.
NEXT FELLOWSHIP GATHERING! Friday, February 14th for VALENTINE dinner and fun! Join us and bring a friend for an evening of good times for all!
Your Sister in Christ.
Shirley Messervy more
Thoughts to Ponder
by: Mary Warrington
One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a "battle" that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other is Good. It is Joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandso more
Wednesday Bible Study
by: Cathy Manley
We meet at 10:30 am on Wednesday mornings, come rain or come shine! The booklet we are using is "The Story of Scripture." It is a study about what the Bible and the Scriptures that we all should be reading daily. Come join us and learn something new for the day!
If you have some time Wednesday mornings, please come and join us. We do a lot of sharing, growing in Grace, and a little laughter too!
God Bless,
Cathy Manley, Moderator more
Soundboard & Presentation Notes
by: Cathy Manley
If you would like to be a part of the Soundboard and Presentation team, please see me. We will be doing training soon.
God Bless.
Cathy Manley more
Music Monthly Messenger
by: Iris Neal-Sirmon
The CHOIR and CHIMES need some extra help!
Yes...the kind of help that comes from the love of MUSIC! We all love why not join this group of very dedicated people who desire to give this church various programs that appeal to all groups of people.
CHIMES are every Monday morning at 10:30 am
CHOIR practice is every Wednesday at 4:30 pm
Please join us, everyone has a gift given by God!...find yours, it may be MUSIC!
T more
Building and Grounds Committee Notes
by: Al Smith/Richard Wilson
Thanks to those who helped to move the snow away from the walkways and parking lot of this wonderful church so it would not deter people from coming to church! Next meeting is: Thursday, February 14th at 9 am. Plans are to start planning for SPRING clean up. Please join us!
God Bless.
Alan Smith and Richard Wilson, Building and Grounds Co-chairs more
Worship Committee Notes
by: Bob Seitzinger
There is always plenty to do around this church because there are events going on! If you would like to be a part of our organizing events and overseeing the current ones and ideas for more, please come to our meetings which are the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 10:30 am.
TRAINING FOR USHERS: Wednesday, February 5th at 12:15 pm for about 20 minutes. If interested in being an usher, please see Fred Finkle.
We need a few good people!
If you have any suggestions, please call the more
Deacon's Corner
by: Lynne Smith
If you know of anyone that is need of communion within their home, please let us know. We would be happy to serve them. If you would like to consider being a DEACON, please see me.
Your Sister in Christ.
Lynne Smith, Moderator more
Prayer Chain
by: Annette Tully
You MIPC Prayer Warriors consider it a privilege to pray for you. If you would like to have this church pray for a member of your family, a friend or acquaintance, please contact me at 843-215-4636 or email at
The following are currently on our prayer list: Dave & Juanita Basham, Peggy Denby, Vikkie Fahrenbruck, Lois Jones and family, Crystal James, Jennifer Meka, Ann Riker, Sharon Rousseau, Shirley Traveny, Carson Turner, Janie and Clarence Turbevi more
Office Grapevine
by: Mary Warrington
If you knit, crochet, or have a craft to share? Please join the "Crafty Crafer's" group of dedicated ladies who make wonderful items! Come one and come and women..boys and girls!...but COME! They have changed their name and not the purpose. They are going to be doing all kinds of crafts and soon be holding classes. So, if you have a craft that you would like to share with us, please see Darlene for more details and come every Tuesday at 1:00 pm in the Conference more