Monthly News Newslet


Sunday - 8:45 AM Sunday School-Adult/Youth-----worship service 10 am

Monthly News Newsletter

Stay up to date with the happenings of Murrells Inlet Presbyterian Church by visiting our Monthly News Newsletter here!

Things that are going on with each individual committee. Choose to read all of them!

Please email the church at: or visit often the website for updates and NEW happenings!


by: Mary Warrington



Donations are urgently needed to support those affected by Hurricane Helene. Our hearts feel called to help those in need, especially the children. Hugh Tully (son of MIPC church members, Annette & Bob Tully)..his pool company is taking 2 full-sized pick-up truck, a 14 foot and 10 foot trailer to North Carolina. Our targeted date for delivery is October 15 and 16th. If you feel led to donate, we are asking for the following: cases of water, diapers, baby wipes, baby formul

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Presbyterian Women's Mission Notes

by: Peggy Denby



The deadlines for the Presbyterian Home collection is Sunday, October 20th. A contained is in the Fellowship Hall for the items collected.

Next Mission: Thornwell Home Sock Tree: Collection begins on Sunday, October 20th thru Sunday, November 17th with socks being collected for all ages. We have "turkeys" for quarter if you would like one!

December mission: Help 4 Kids-collecting slightly used or new items, such as coats, scarves, mittens, sweater, hats, etc. Deadline: Sunda

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The Thankful Corner

by: Pat Malloy



I would like to personally thank all those who willingly provided delicious baked goods, donations and loving help for our recent Craft Show/Bake Sale. Without your support we would not be able to provide help to those in need here in our community. Our efforts produced the largest amount of money so far. May GOD bless each one of you for your loving support of this endeavor.

Yours in Christ.

Pat Malloy, Baked Goods Chair

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Fellowship and Christian Education Committee Notes

by: Shirley Messervy



At the present time we are planning for our BIBLE TRIVIA. If anyone would like to be on this planning committee and the Christian Education, please come to the meetings every 3rd Tuesday of each month at 11 am in the Conference room. Also looking for Sunday School teachers for the Youth.

Your Sister in Christ.

Shirley Messervy

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Wednesday Bible Study

by: Cathy Manley



We meet at 10:30 am on Wednesday mornings, come rain or come shine! The booklet we are using is HEAVEN: FINDING ONE TRUE HOME. It is a study about what the Bible tells us what to expect and/or what we expect to find when we get to Heaven. At the moment, we are a group of 9 including me. We open with prayer requests from anyone who wants to share. Then we found a book in the church library that Al and Lynne dropped off, which fits perfectly into our Bible Study. So, we take

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Soundboard & Presentation Notes

by: Cathy Manley



We have just purchased 2 cordless mics to help with the new part of the worship time at the 10 am service. It is called: CALL TO PRAY. Thanks to Nancy Huggins for leading us! If you would like to be a part of the Soundboard and Presentation team, please see me.

God Bless.

Cathy Manley

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Music Monthly Messenger

by: Iris Neal-Sirmon



On Sunday, October 6th the Pawleys Island Brass Section will be a huge part of our Worship.

There are lots of plans in motion for the upcoming Christmas season for the choir and the chimes. 

Thanks to Harpist, Rebecca Nissen for a wonderful music filled Sunday on the 22nd of September. Enjoyed by all.

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Building and Grounds Committee Notes

by: Al Smith/Richard Wilson



Hello Fall, from your Building and Grounds Committee. Time is going by so quickly. We hope you are all well and are enjoying this beautiful Carolina weather. 

Session has approved a contractor to clean and refinish the concrete at the Memorial Garden and Columbarium. The work has been scheduled and should start soon.

Ossie, Richard, Raymond, and Dominick spend a half day spreading topsoil around the grounds and tearing the grounds for fire ants. 

A small refrigerator and cord

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Worship Committee Notes

by: Bob Seitzinger



We have just installed 2 people to be members of this wonderful church! Please come to the Coffee Chat after the Worship Hour and meet them. They are Bill Hills, Jr. and Raymond Foutouro. There is a number of things going on at this church so be sure to read the EVENTS here or our monthly calendar that comes at the end of each month or on Facebook! 

God Bless.

Bob Seitzinger

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Deacon's Corner

by: Lynne Smith



Deacons are in need of more members to help us. We lost and miss Jenny, due to her move to Minnesota. Darlene is on vacation in Scotland and looks like she's having a great time. Andie and I met to discuss our schedule for our different duties. We have received a letter from our adopted child, Mwamikazi. Along with her letter was note paper to send her a letter back. That makes it more convenient to send her a response. Lynne will be visiting Sharon Rousseau to serve her c

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Prayer Chain

by: Annette Tully



You MIPC Prayer Warriors consider it a privilege to pray for you. If you would like to have this church pray for a member of your family, a friend or acquaintance, please contact me at 843-215-4636 or email at

The following are currently on our prayer list:  Dave & Juanita Basham, Gretchen & Jim Brahm, Peggy Denby, Vikkie Fahrenbruck, Lois Jones and family, Crystal James, Genie & Ed Keegan, Jennifer Meka, Norma Moore, Marilyn Proniske, Ann Riker, Sharon

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Office Grapevine

by: Mary Warrington



Our Arts & Craft Festival was yet another successful day! Thanks to all the great bakers and helpers who made this event such an success! We raised over $1100.00 and everyone had a wonderful time. We had over 51 vendors with homemade wreaths, knit goods, jewelry, scents, shell, tupperware and much more! the baked goods all sold out and were delicious and Germaine sold 3 of Mary's chunky knit blankets! The Chapel and Church was in representation and had 2 couples, and many

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